Meal planning

In a bid to save money and control food wastage and eat well, I regularly create meal plans.  As I follow The Harcombe Diet, I eat real food (i.e. very little processing except by me), avoid added sugar and don’t mix high carbs with high fat.  I’m going to post my meal plans which incorporate my wishes, with that of my husband who’s now doing 5:2 fast diet and my children who aren’t on any kind of weightloss diet per se, but I just want the them to eat unprocessed food.

I’d rather have posted the whole thing neatly, but in order to see the whole sheet, you scroll to the right at the bottom of the table.  I don’t yet know how to do that to make it a more useful document.  There’s probably a few tweaks to it that I do during the week as things change or I realise that activities for the week necessitate a change in the menu.